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My Projects

Feed Cape Fear

Feed Cape Fear is a comprehensive project aimed at addressing hunger and food insecurity in the Cape Fear region. The initiative emphasizes the importance of volunteering, community engagement, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). By mobilizing local volunteers and partnering with businesses, Feed Cape Fear seeks to create a robust network of support to provide nutritious food to those in need. The project not only focuses on immediate food relief but also fosters long-term community involvement and corporate partnerships to develop sustainable solutions for hunger and enhance overall community well-being.


Fox 2D

This is 2D-platformer game, developed with the Unity engine over a school semester, features three levels with unique obstacles, appearances, and background music, along with movement mechanics such as jumping and crouching. The game includes a title screen, level selection menu, options menu, and pause menu, and is available for both Windows and Mac via the "Releases" page. To view or modify the source code, clone the repo and import it into the Unity editor version "2021.3.13f1 LTS" or later, noting potential warnings for Mac support on Windows systems.

FOX 2D.jpg

Toxic Comment Classification

The "Toxic Comments Classification using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing" project aims to classify text as either toxic or not by analyzing the percentage of toxicity in comments. To address online abuse, racial slurs, and harassment, the project utilizes Deep Learning models and Natural Language Processing, specifically employing Google's word2vec for feature extraction and using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and advanced Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) like LSTM and GRU for classification. The innovative application of CNNs to textual data and the use of enhanced RNN models significantly improve the accuracy of identifying and classifying toxic comments.

Toxic Comment Classification.png

Online Hall Ticket and Report Card Generator

Automated the university exam processes by developing a web-based application using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Java, and MySQL, which reduced manual effort by 50%. This application streamlined various exam-related tasks, such as scheduling, grading, and result dissemination, making the process more efficient and less prone to human error. By implementing robust database design and encryption techniques, I enhanced the security and integrity of sensitive data, ensuring that student information and exam records were protected against unauthorized access and breaches. This project not only improved operational efficiency but also reinforced data security within the university's exam management system.

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