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Feed Cape Fear

Feed Cape Fear is a pioneering web-platform designed to bridge the gap between non-profit organizations, corporate entities, and individuals striving to make a difference in their community.

This project aligns with the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) approach and emphasizes structured and systematic methodology to ensure the successful development of this platform.

Goals for Feed Cape Fear
  1. Localized Platform Development

  2. Comprehensive Dashboard

  3. Real-time Communication Tools

  4. Volunteer Interest Tracking

  5. Localized Emergency Response

  6. Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

  1. Visual Studio Code was the primary IDE used for development purpose.

  2. React, Angular and express.js was used for front and backend development.

  3. MYSQL is the database used for managing the data for Feed Cape Fear.

Lessons Learnt
  1. User Centric Design

  2. Security First Approach

  3. Effective Communication

  4. Continuous Learning

  5. Adaptability and Flexibility

  6. Documentation and best practices

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