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This video game will be a 2D platformer, which is a genre of video game that combines horizontal movement mechanics with obstacles that challenge the player’s movements. The objective is to move from left to right until the level is completed.



  • The primary objective of our system [game] is to provide a goal for the users [players] to attempt to reach in a way that is fun and entertaining.

  • A set of interactive challenges are provided to make it difficult for the player to reach that goal.

  • The challenges are designed to retain the player’s interest, such that the player actively seeks out more challenges throughout the duration of their playtime. 

Software Used

  • Unity : Game Engine Platform

  • LucidChart/Visio : Tools to visualize ideas

  • Sharepoint : Sharing code and Project Resources

  • ​Discord : Team Communication

  • Microsoft Word : Documentation and Reports

  • Performance Monitor : System Performance Testing

  • Visual Studio : C# programming IDE


Front-End Development


  • Used "Pixel Adventure" animations from the Unity store

  • Created the alignment grid, terrain and configured the background scene

  • Configured sprite render, rigid body, box collider etc.

  • Created audio sources for character movement and music

Backend -Development

FOX 2D.jpg

Road Blocks

  • Had very little gaming experience

  • Difficult to handle errors and bugs during development

  • Very hard to give instructions for team members who had no experience in game development

  • Faced issues with github project integration

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